Villa Layout

Iron and Board
Hair Dryer
Car Park
Microwave Oven
Air Conditioning
Washing Machine
Built-in Cooker
T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı
1 Room • 2 Person • 1 Bathroom • 2 Comment
The villa will be yours.
TNK has directed the 'cleaning process' recommended to villa owners, with the thoughts of our distinguished guests, for COVID-19 and beyond. Learn more.
Add your travel dates to see details about the cancellation of this stay. Learn more.
Hand over the key personally to the person concerned at check-out. Learn more.
Wi-Fi, Daily Pool and Garden Maintenance, Electricity, Water and Cylinder Gas Usage,
Food Service, Transportation Service, Extra Cleaning Service, Baby Bed and Highchair, Honeymoon Room Decoration,
When renting a villa, you should pay attention to the minimum length of stay. For example; If you leave less than 5 nights before and after the date you want, you will have very little chance of renting. Learn more.
Opening the doors of an unforgettable holiday for you, Villa Swan 1 is one of our holiday villa options in Antalya, one of the most preferred as a honeymoon villa, and one of our rental villas, where our guests express their satisfaction.
Villa Swan 1 honeymoon villa with a heated pool attracts a lot of attention from our guests. Villa Swan 1, located in Antalya Kalkan Islamlar village, is waiting for you with its heated pool so that your holiday pleasure is not interrupted in cool weather.
Villa Swan, our single-story villa for rent, where you will be satisfied with every shade of wood, is a villa with a sheltered pool with a capacity of 2 people, with 1 bedroom, a bathroom, an elegantly furnished open kitchen with the tools and equipment you may need. There is also a jacuzzi in the bedroom of our villa, which will increase your holiday pleasure to the top.
Villa Swan 1, located in the Kalkan Islamlar region, is one of the rental villa options in Antalya Kas and offers you a holiday opportunity that you will be satisfied with. While you are enjoying your holiday in the private pool villa Swan 1, which has a wonderful view of nature, you can have romantic meals with your loved one at sunset. You can also relax by enjoying the jacuzzi in your bedroom.
What You Need to Know
The regions where the villas are located may consist of steep and sloping locations due to the geographical structure of the environment. Therefore, we recommend considering the slope and stabilized (soil) nature of the roads during transportation to the villas and preferring private vehicles if possible.
Since the villas located outside the center are generally located in nature,
you may encounter natural life signs (flies, bees, insect, etc.).
We do not guarantee 100% visibility in our sheltered villas and these villas
have a 5% avoidance margin.
Not sure yet ? Discover your special offer.
Kaş beaches have the clearest seas and bays in Turkey. For this reason, it has become a frequent destination for thousands of people every year.
The center of Kas was founded on the territory of Antiphellos, an ancient city.
We offer suggestions for activities to be done in Kaş and to make you spend your holiday to the fullest!
Pandemi sebebiyle villa tatili yapmaya karar verdik. Kendimize müstakil villa olan villa Swan 1'i kiraladık. Eşimle evde çok sıkılıp bunaldığımızdan villa bize çok keyif verdi. Çok izole bir tatil yapma fırsatımız oldu. Villa çok temiz ve dezenfekte edilmiş olduğundan gönül rahatlığıyla tatil yaptık. Jakuzili villanın jakuzisinde köpük banyoları yapıp ferahladık. Özel havuzunda çok eğlendik, serinledik. Villadan da Kalkan'dan da'dan da çok memnun kaldık. Kesinlikle bir daha geleceğimiz bir villa.
Uygun balayı villaları ararken karşımıza çıkan villa Swan 1'i çok beğendik. Çok güzel bir balayı geçirdik villada. Villa özel havuzlu ve muhafazakar havuzlu villaydı bunun sayesinde eşimle çok daha rahat ettik. Jakuzili villanın jakuzisinde keyfimize keyif kattık. Doğa içinde bulunan villanın o tertemiz ortamı bize çok iyi geldi düğün stresinden sonra. Villa telaşımızı, stresimizi bir anda alıp götürdü bizden. Villa da huzuru bulduk. Zaman zaman küçük küçük misafirlerimiz de gelmekteydi :)