Villa Kasım

Villa Kasım

Wir planten unseren Sommerurlaub mit meiner Familie. Wir entschieden uns, mit unserer Familie eine geschützte Villa zu mieten. Nachdem wir die Villa-Websites überprüft hatten, mieteten wir unsere Villa mit privatem Pool und Jacuzzi, die uns alle auf die Probe stellte. Wir hatten einen schönen Urlaub mit unserer Familie.

We decided to rent a family villa and have a holiday. Since our spouses were closed, we had a very comfortable holiday in the Conservative pool villa as there was no one around. The villa was clean and well maintained. The size of the pool was fine for us. The children enjoyed the pool to the fullest. Our villa was also economical and offers the opportunity to have a holiday suitable for every budget.

Arkadaş gurubumuzla tatile çıkma planlarımız vardı ve Kalkan da kiralık villa arıyorduk Villa Kasım bize çok uygundu, havuz başı partilerimizin hiç bitmesini istemedik doğanın içinde etrafta fazla ev olmaması yüzünden özel havuzda rahat rahat yüzdük ve bağıra bağıra şarkı söyledik eğlenceli bir tatil yaptık.

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